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Monetary Category

In a locale definition file, for the categories LC_NUMERIC and LC_MONETARY, keywords that are not provided, string values set the empty string, or integer keywords set to -1, shall be used to indicate that the value is unspecified.

int_curr_symbol - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing a string consisting of four characters including the international currency symbol as specified by ISO 4217 and an additional character which is used to separate the international currency symbol from the monetary quantity.

currency_symbol - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the local currency symbol.

mon_decimal_point - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the string that shall be used as the decimal delimiter in monetary formatted quantities.

mon_thousands_sep - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the string that shall be used as separator for groups of digits to the left of the decimal delimiter in monetary formatted quantities.

mon_grouping - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the sequence of integers separated by semicolons which define the sizes of each group of digits in formatted monetary quantities. Grouping will only be performed for groups with a defined size, unless the last integer is zero, in which case the size of the last group will be repeatedly used for the remainder of the digits. The initial integer defines the size of the group immediately preceding the decimal delimiter, and the following integers define the preceding groups.

positive_sign - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the string that shall be used to indicate a nonnegative-valued formatted monetary quantity.

negative_sign - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the string that shall be used to indicate a negative-valued formated monetary quantity.

int_frac_digits - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing an integer representing the number of fractional digits to be written in a formatted monetary quantity using int_curr_symbol.

frac_digits - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing an integer representing the number of fractional digits to be written in a formatted monetary quantity using currency_symbol.

p_cs_precedes - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing an integer set to 1 if the currency_symbol or int_curr_symbol precedes the value for the nonnegative formatted monetary quantity, and set to 0 if the symbol succeeds the value.

p_sep_by_space - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the ????

n_cs_precedes - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing an integer set to 1 if the currency_symbol or int_curr_symbol precedes the value for the negative formatted monetary quantity, and set to 0 if the symbol succeeds the value.

n_sep_by_space - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the ????

p_sign_posn - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the ????

n_sign_posn - LC_MONETARY cultural data item or locale definition file keyword representing the ????

fractional digit - a digit to the right of the decimal delimiter. international currency symbol - one of the three character symbols specified by ISO 4217.

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